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Humans Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields Dragan Poljak and Mario Cvetković, PhD University of Split, Croatia This Tutorial is mainly based on the book, D. Poljak, M.Cvetkovic, Human Interaction with Electromagnetic Fields; Computational Models in Dosimetry, Elsevier 2019, and on some recent journal papers.. Tutorial aims to cover several aspects of human interaction with non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) including not only the undesired exposure from artificial sources. but also the biomedical applications of electromagnetic fields. The tutorial deals with basic aspects of electromagnetic fields in environment, coupling mechanisms between humans and electromagnetic fields, established biological effects of electromagnetic fields from static to high-frequency range, international safety guidelines related to limiting human […]

Timetable and Program

Final program is available at the link FInal timetable is available at the link! Preliminary list of accepted papers is available at the link!